Multi-Plant Firms, Variable Capacity Utilization, and the Aggregate Hours Elasticity. Submitted.
Recurrent Anticipated Liquidity Shocks and Household Expenditure: An Empirical Analysis in Inflationary Contexts. Submitted.
Memory, Multiple Equilibria and Emerging Market Crises, joint with K. Reffett. Under Revision.
An Ergodic Theory of Sovereign Default. Under Revision.
Useful results for the simulation of non-optimal economies with heterogeneous agents. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (2024)
Accuracy in Recursive Minimal State Space Methods. Computational Economics (2023)
Persistent current account deficits and balanceof payments crises, joint with G. Montes Rojas and P. Mira . European Economic Review (2023)
Life Cycle, financial frictions and informal labor markets, joint with E. Kawamura. Journal of Applied Economics(2021)
La relación entre inflación y crecimiento: estimación del umbral de inflación para Argentina, with J.L. Maia y L. Trajtenberg. Desarrollo Económico (2019)