Damian Pierri
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Lecturer at ESCP Business School, Madrid
Research Affiliate at IIEP-BAIRES
Damian Pierri
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Lecturer at ESCP Business School, Madrid
Research Affiliate at IIEP-BAIRES
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Lecturer at ESCP Business School, Madrid
Research Affiliate at IIEP-BAIRES
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Lecturer at ESCP Business School, Madrid
Research Affiliate at IIEP-BAIRES
I am a Macroeconomist interested in economic theory, numerical methods and stochastic processes. I am also an economic and financial consultant. I teach mainly economic theory courses at graduate and undergraduate level.
Below you can find my CV and updated news about my research.
Feb-25. Multi-Plant Firms, Variable Capacity Utilization, and the Aggregate Hours Elasticity, joint with D. Ferraro. Reject & Resubmit at Quantitative Economics.
Available in https://ideas.repec.org/p/aoz/wpaper/341.html
Jun-24 "Useful results for the simulation of non-optimal economies with heterogeneous agents" was accepted for publication in the Journal of Economic Interaction & Coordination. You can find the latest version here: https://rdcu.be/dLGFB
Aug-23: "Persistent current account deficits and balance of payments crises" was accepted for publication in the European Economic Review. You can find the link here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014292123001964
Jul-23: " Accuracy in Recursive Minimal State Space Methods " was accepted for publication in Computational Economics. You can find the link here: https://rdcu.be/djix7
Feb-22: My paper joint with E. Kawamura, "Life Cycle, Financial Frictions and Informal Labor Markets: The Case of Chile" was published at the Journal of Applied Economics. A few years after his passing, Enrique keeps doing it, amazing! You can find the open access version of the paper here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15140326.2021.2008761?scroll=top&needAccess=true
Abr-19: My paper with J. L. Maia and L. Tratenberg "La Relación entre Inflación y Crecimiento" was published in Desarrollo Económico . You can find the paper here: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26825056
Feb-25. New Working Paper. "External Debt Dynamics in an Endogenous Growth Model" joint with Fernando Belenguer. Available in https://damianpierri.com/research
Jan-25 New Working paper. "Dynamic Complementarities and Multiple Equilibria in Open
Economies with Collateral Constraints, " joint with K. Reffett. Submitted.
Available in https://damianpierri.com/research
Jan-25 New Working Paper. "Ergodic Stationary Equilibrium in Open Economies with
Collateral Constraints: Long run Implications for Balance of Payments Crises," joint with K. Reffett. Submitted. Available in https://damianpierri.com/research
Oct-24. New Working Paper. Recurrent Anticipated Liquidity Shocks and Household Expenditure, joint with H. Cardozo. Submitted. Available in https://ideas.repec.org/p/aoz/wpaper/347.html
Oct-24. "External Debt Dynamics in an Endogenous Growth Model" joint with Fernando Belenguer, Workshop Spanish Macroeconomics Network. Presentation available at: https://damianpierri.com/research
Oct-21: “ Memory, Multiple Equilibria and Emerging Market Crises,” joint with Kevin Reffett at the IV Workshop Spanish Macroeconomics Network, the University of Barcelona, and Universidad Adolfo Ibañez. Presentation available at: https://damianpierri.com/research
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